Thursday, January 30, 2014

It's not just about the meatloaf

Today I had an opportune time to have what I'd call "me time" however after picking up the house I soon found myself making a meatloaf. I laugh out loud and  I said to myself "how did my "me time" turn into making a meatloaf?" 

After laughing, I soon put on my Pandora music station and started worshiping the Lord while chopping my celery, bell pepper,and onion. Soon enough I had all my ingredients mixed together.. Ready to put my ketchup on top I stopped and laughed again as I wrote with the ketchup "meatloaf" on top of my prepared loaf.

My daughter would think I'm silly but this is the way the Lord allows me to enjoy what I do. I thought about it for a bit and knew I needed to blog about it because there are ladies out there that are housewives and at home with the little ones..maybe you feel like you are in a slump, maybe feeling dull and lacking laughter,  and my encouragement to you today is try to laugh and enjoy your moments to the fullest The Bible says "a happy heart is good medicine and a cheerful mind works healing, but a broken spirit dries up the bones. (Proverbs 17:22)

Maybe today you need to bake a cake "just because"...

Maybe you need to slip a note in your husband's lunch and say...
"can't wait to see ya tonite..wink wink!

Or maybe you just need to sit down and laugh or have a good dance with your kids!

Don't be afraid to enjoy life..God has created you that your joy may be full! (John 15:11) 

Now I'm going to send a text to my husband with my meatloaf picture..."honey guess what's for dinner?" Meatloaf! 

Be blessed and be full of joy today!
Love KimmyG

1 comment:

Unknown said...

My dear Kimmie
You are just so Awesome!
I love how you find time to make cooking funny and enjoyable.
I'm sure you have lifted someone spirit today. Stay blessed my sister. And remember that not only God Loves you ;)
I love you mucho too <3